News & Blog

Christmas Hours 2024

Christmas Hours 2023

Christmas Hours for Members

24th As Normal 07.00 - 19.00
25th 07.00 - 13.00
26th 07.00 - 19.00
27th 07.00 - 19.00
28th 07.00 - 19.00
29th 07.00 - 19.00
30th 07.00 - 19.00
31st 07.00 - 19.00
1st 07.00 - 19.00
2nd As Normal 05.00 - 22.00
*Please make sure your membership doesn't expire over christmas & finger print is working.

Thanks & Happy Christmas

New Timetable 

Sept - Oct *Inclusive

New Timetable 

July & Aug 2023

Christmas Hours

Staffed Hours 

Friday 23rd          06.00 & 16.00 - 20.00

Saturday 24th      10.00 - 14.00

Wednesday 28th  10.00 - 14.00

Thursday 29th     10.00 - 14.00

Friday 30th         10.00 - 14.00

Monday 2nd        10.00 - 14.00

Tuesday 3rd         06.00 & 16.00 - 20.00

Please make sure you finger print is working as Bryan will only be on call and will not be about every day.
Please make sure your membership doesn’t run out during the xmas & update your finger print.
You have till Friday 23rd to make sure


Jan Feb 2023 


Jan & Feb 2023
Opening Times
Normal Members Hours
Monday to Friday 05.00 - 22.00
Sat/Sun & B/hol : 08.00 - 19.00


Staffed Hours (for membership enquiries, purchase membership, pay as you
Monday to Friday 06:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 20:00
Sat/Sun & B/hol 09:00 - 14:00
Pay as you go can be organised outside staffed hours but must be booked with Bryan in advance on 0860614733

Battle of the Boyne 2022

Run, lift, flip, jump & row your way to be crowned winner of The Battle of the Boyne.

This event is open to ALL people, both new and old to competing. Every Day Athletes so no gymnastic movements or olympic lifting.

Weights & wods will be designed so very one can compete (the fitter stronger you are, the quicker you should be able to complete wods.

Independent judges from Irish Fitness Judges. 

Each team will compete in a minimum of 3 workouts with the top 4/5 teams will go through to the final.

Scores will be carried into the final.

Movements (no olympic lifting or gymnastics)

Movements may include

Bar Movements
Ground to over head (max 45/30 kg)
Thrusters (max 45/30 kg)
Deadlifts (max 80/50 kg)
Push press (max 45/30 kg)

Dumbbells (max 20/12.5kg)
Push press
Devil press

Box jumps
Wall Balls

Rower/ Bike / Ski/ Assault Bike 

D-Ball over shoulder or wall (max 50/30kg)

*Other movements may be added. 


Battle of the Boyne 2022 is being run to raise funds for Milo & Family.

As most of you are aware Alicja was a member here till her passing & lit up the gym with her infectious smile & bubbley personality. 

Here is Milo story. 

Milo is a beautiful 11-year-old boy who lives in Kells, Co, Meath. Milo has the most beautiful smile with an infectious laugh that lights up everyone around him.  Milo was born with two rare genetic conditions, Leigh and Mabry Syndrome, needing 24/7 care to support his every need.  Milo is nonverbal and unable to support himself sitting, relying on a wheelchair assisted for mobility. He is also peg feed and recently diagnosed with Epilepsy.

Caring for a child with complex medical needs can be physically, mentally and financially stressful, requiring full-time care by a family member. Milo requires specialised equipment, therapies, medication, and a special diet and supplements that the family must purchase from the USA to improve his quality of life.

The simple things we take for granted in life can often be a challenge to children with additional needs, the branches spreading wide and impact every part of their family’s life. An adapted vehicle, accessible housing suitable for the needs of a person living with a disability are essential, yet often unachievable due to the financial strain felt daily.

Milos family have continued to give Milo the best quality of life, ensuring he is happy, healthy and every need cared, his Mum Alicja had been a powerful advocate.
On March 1st the family unit was broken as they lost Alicja their beloved Mother, Wife to Arek and Milo's Primary Carer. Alicja suffered Metastatic Cancer which after a year of suffering through various treatments none of which could save her, Alicja took her wings.


Sign Up Here

Black Friday

12 Months for 250 normally 299

Sign up here.



You Spoke & We Listened

From 13th of September the 10am class will change to 09.30am


No classes from Thursday 24/12/2020.

Classes will be back Monday 4/1/2021.

We cant wait to welcome you back on Tuesday 1/12/2020. 

We hope you're well after our 6 week break. We hope you enjoyed our online classes during the lockdown.

With the reopening of the club on Tuesday, there will be no classes as we are under level 3 restrictions. We will have WOD (Workout of the Day) upstairs that you must pre-book using our FitSense member's app. There will be an instructor on hand to demo exercises, correct technique etc

You must also book gym times on our member's app which are limited to 90 minutes so everyone can get in and train. Gym will be capped at maximum 20 people at a time. 


Club Opening Times. 

Monday - Friday 07.00 - 13.00 & 16.00 - 21.00
Saturday & Sunday 09.00 - 14.00

All booking through Fitsense App.

Black Friday Deal Extended 

Black Friday Deal extended till 6/12/2020.
12 Months Membership 229 Normally 299.

Sign up here -

Again Thank you for your continued support during the last few weeks & months.

Bryan, Gary & Linda wait

Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Black Friday & Cyper Monday Deal

12 months - 229 Normally 299

Join Online

If Exercise was a pill .......    we'd be queuing around the corner for it!

Step right up! It's the miracle cure we've all been waiting for.

It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer by up to 50% and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.

It's free, easy to take, has an immediate effect and you don't need a GP to get some. Its name? Exercise.

Exercise is the miracle cure we've always had, but for too long we've neglected to take our recommended dose. Our health is now suffering as a consequence.

This is no snake oil. Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life.

People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing many long-term (chronic) conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.

Research shows that physical activity can also boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

"If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented," says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.
Health benefits
Given the overwhelming evidence, it seems obvious that we should all be physically active. It's essential if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into old age.

It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:

up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer
up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer
a 30% lower risk of early death
up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis
up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture
a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults)
up to a 30% lower risk of depression
up to a 30% lower risk of dementia

What counts?
To stay healthy, adults should try to be active every day and aim to achieve at least 150 minutes of physical activity over a week through a variety of activities.

For most people, the easiest way to get moving is to make activity part of everyday life, like walking or cycling instead of using the car to get around. However, the more you do, the better, and taking part in activities such as sports and exercise will make you even healthier.

For any type of activity to benefit your health, you need to be moving quick enough to raise your heart rate, breathe faster and feel warmer. This level of effort is called moderate intensity activity. If you're working at a moderate intensity you should still be able to talk but you won't be able to sing the words to a song.

An activity where you have to work even harder is called vigorous intensity activity. There is substantial evidence that vigorous activity can bring health benefits over and above that of moderate activity. You can tell when it's vigorous activity because you're breathing hard and fast, and your heart rate has gone up quite a bit. If you're working at this level, you won't be able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath.

September & October 2020

Updated 24/8/2020

Following clarification from Active Ireland on last weeks restrictions.

We will be adjusting the timetable again, see below.

Bootcamp & Circuit Classes will operate as two separate pod classes. One pod working one side & the other pod working on the other side with no mixing. Two pods of 4, so 8 people in the class in total.

Spin will operate two pod similar to above but with one pod of 6 & one pod of 5, so 11 in the class in total.

Extra classes in the am & pm & at weekends.

Will be running the same class through out the day. This is to set up the pod system & also to help with demand for popular classes. We hope it will be easier to book.

These changes will start Tuesday 1/09/2020.

Thank you for understanding.

Bryan & Team

September Update

Classes & Hours

Update for September

With current restrictions and classes capped at six.

We will be offering Virtual Spin Classes from Tuesday 1st of September. In the spin studio at
07.00, 08.00, 09.00, 10.00 & 11.00.
17.00, 18.00 & 19.00.
Monday to Friday when Instructor Spin Classes aren't on.

Monday to Friday we have added an extra class at 8pm (*on a trial bases).

We have added extra Weekend Warrior class at 10.30 Saturday & Sunday.

Also from September our hours will increase
Monday to Friday 07.00 - 13.00 & 16.00 - 21.00
Saturday 09.00 - 14.00
Sunday 09.00 - 14.00
*As our membership increases, so will our opening times, back to pre covid hours.

Booking Gym, Classes & Virtual Classes still though app.

Please have patients with us during this time.

Bryan & Team

10 Benefits of Exercise on our Mental Health

1. It Can Make You Feel Happier

2. Boasts Self Esteem 

3. Reduces Stress

4. Alleviate anxiety

5.Increases Brain Power

6. Protects Against Aging of the Brain

7. Improves Memory

8. Energizes the Mind

9. Can Combat Addiction 

10. It Can Help With Relaxation and Sleep Quality

Top 4 Reasons Why We LOVE MYZONE


In no particular order, here are the top four reasons why MYZONE is a wearable technology that we love:

MYZONE rewards all fitness levels
Our workouts are sacred to us. For some of us, exercising is our therapy, our happy place, our “me” time. We want everyone to feel as accomplished after a workout as we do (we know some of you out there might not love working out—but hopefully you enjoy the results!). That's why we are thrilled that MYZONE rewards EVERYONE, from first-time exercisers to seasoned MEPs challenge winners, from exercisers with weight loss goals to athletes training for their next competition.

MYZONE Effort Points (MEPs) put us all on the same playing field, so everyone can play based on their personal fitness level. By rewarding us based on our relative intensity (% of maximal heart rate), we can have friendly challenges, gauge the intensity of our workouts, and strive for our personal best using our wearable technology.

MYZONE inspires intelligent conversation & fitness education
MYZONE doesn’t just give us immediate feedback on what’s happening to our heart during our workout—it provides a detailed history of our workouts that is accessible to us, our trainers, and our social connections. There's something quite brilliant about having our workouts on display for us, as well as shared with other exercisers and trainers using MYZONE. Whether it's on your MYZONE tile on display at your club, your recent moves on your MYZONE app, or the workout history your trainer is able to access—people are talking about heart rate training with MYZONE.

The community around MYZONE sparks some fantastic questions and conversations. For instance:

"I'm working really hard during my resistance training workouts, but MYZONE shows that my heart rate is only in the BLUE zone. Am I working hard enough?" - This type of question allows us as trainers to explain some of the differences between muscular fitness training and cardio/aerobic training.

"Everyone in my class is getting up into the RED zone and recovering to GREEN within a minute, except for me! Why isn’t my heart rate doing the same?!" - It sounds like this person might benefit from some information on heart rate recovery!

By making exercisers aware of their heart’s response to exercise, MYZONE allows us to ask questions and teach each other. We can then tailor exercise intensity based on our goals. As a result, we become smarter exercisers and achieve our goals!

MYZONE sparks new social connections
We're digging the Social Connections function on our MYZONE app! How cool is it to interact with and see workouts from other exercisers the club?!

On days when we might feel like skipping a workout, there’s a whole community of MYZONE users who are making exercise a priority and getting it done! Talk about motivating, right?! Plus, we're getting new workout ideas from MYZONE users all the time and are excited to challenge our bodies and minds with new routines!

MYZONE's wearable technology holds us accountable
MYZONE provides many avenues for accountability and it rewards us when we reach our goals. Ways we can monitor our progress include:

Setting Personal Goals in our MYZONE accounts
Moving up to the next MYZONE status (Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, & Hall of Fame)
Participating in challenges with our club and/or MYZONE social connections
Snapping photos of our workouts and food to have a visual diary of our efforts over time
Even simply knowing that we’re going to see amazing workouts from other MYZONE users on our MYZONE app offers accountability. To put it simply, the MYZONE community helps to keep us energized and on track!

Enough is enough, time to get back at it!!!

Have you decided that it’s time to make a change but aren’t sure how to get started? Or have you already set more goals for yourself than you care to admit-but keep failing to reach them? 

It’s time for a new way of thinking. 

No matter how big or small your goal-whether it’s losing 3kg or 10 kg, walking/running 5km or running your first marathon, or doing your 1st full press up / benching 100kg -making change requires planning and SMART goal setting. 

Follow these guidelines to setting SMART goals and you will be surprised at what you can do:


Your goal should be clear and easy to understand. A common goal, “get healthy,” is too general. There are so many ways to get healthy. How do you want to do it? Is it losing weight? Start exercising? Stop smoking? Break it down and it will be easier to manage.
Let’s pick weight loss and make a SMART goal out of it together. For example, “I will lose weight.”


A goal to “lose weight” is not enough. How will you track your progress and how you will know when you have reached your goal? Making your goal measurable means adding a number.
Attainable. Before you can add a number, you have to know how high or low you want to go. It’s good to ‘shoot for the stars’, but don’t be too extreme. Likewise, a goal that is too easy is also not very motivating. Only you know your limits. Let’s take our goal above. What percentage is attainable for you? Research suggests that a 5-10% weight loss is attainable for most overweight people. 
A measurable, attainable goal could be, “I will lose 7% of my body weight.” 


Set goals that are important to where you are in your life right now. Don’t set a goal that someone else is pressuring you to attain-that isn’t very motivating. Examine our goal so far. Does it seem relevant to you? If so, let’s keep going. If you are not concerned about weight loss or this is not a good time in your life to focus on that, choose something that IS motivating to you. 



Include an end-point. Knowing that you have a deadline motivates you to get started. Since healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week, set your deadline accordingly. For our example we can use 3 months. “I will lose 7% of my body weight in 3 months.”
Now we have a SMART goal!

With a goal like this, it’s a good idea to set a few more action-oriented SMART goals so that you have a game plan. Here are a few examples:

I will go to the gym 5 days every week for 30 minutes each. 
I will drink 2 litres water every day this week. 
I will bring my lunch to work instead of eating out 4 days this week. 
Becoming a better version of you starts by being SMART!

ReOpening After Covid 19

We will reopn our doors on Monday 29th of June.

We will be a members only club for the foreseeable future, no pay as you go.

Members will have to book gym slots/times through the app.
Fitsense app available in google & apple store.

Links to apps below

Members will use the app to check into the club upon arrival.

Hand sanitizer is available at reception & must be used upon entry.

Lockers & changing room will no longer be used. So members must arrive ready to train.

Machines, dumbbells, barbells etc any thing you touch must be wiped down after use.

As always "no towel no train".

Gym sessions will be 75 minutes with 15 minute closing period between groups for cleaning.

Failure to adhere to any of the above rules you will be asked to leave & blocked from using the app for 1 week on 1st offense & result in you not being able to train. 2nd breech of any protocols, your membership will be terminated without any refund.

We will review capacity & procedures weekly, and change accordingly.

Memberships can be purchased online or in club from Monday.

New Members App

Have you downloaded the new Fitsense app yet?

If not here's what your missing out on:

  • Book/Cancel classes
  • Book Gym Sessions 
  • Follow your friends
  • Keep track of your workouts
  • Nutrition advise
  • View/ amend account details

See a member of staff at your next visit to activate your profile.


29th June to 31st August

Outdoor Timetable during Covid 19

Classes at Llyod Peoples Park.

Classes will incorporate

Weights, Body Weight Resistance training, Kettlebells, TRX, Running, Step

Booking essintial through new members app.

No show up & train due to covid 19 restrictions.

May Madness

Published on May 3, 2018 at 13:12 by Admin

Join now for 12 months €225 & get 3 Personal Training Sessions Free (worth €120)

Mothers days Vouchers

3 months for the price of 2 

Vouchers available online at
Can we used anytime no expiration date
Buy 3 months for the price of 2

Battle of the Boyne 29/2/2020

Every Day Athlete - No Gymnastic Movements or Olympic Lifts

Crossfit / Fitness Racing Same Sex Partner Workout

Run, lift, flip, jump & row your way to be crowned winner of The Battle of the Boyne.

This event is open to ALL people, both new and old to competing. Every Day Athletes so no gymnastic movements or olympic lifting.

Weights & wods will be designed so very one can compete (the fitter stronger you are, the quicker you should be able to complete wods.

Independent judges 👨‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ Each team will compete in a minimum of 3 workouts with the top 4/5 teams will go through to the final.
Movements may include (no olympic lifting)

Bar 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️
Ground to over head (max 45/25 kg)
Thrusters (max 45/25 kg)
Deadlifts (max 80/50 kg)
Push press (max 45/25 kg)

Dumbbells (max 17.5/12.5kg)
Push press
Devil press

Box jumps
Wall Balls

Rower/ Bike / Ski

*Other movements may be added


#battleoftheboyne #crossfit #crossfitcomp #fitness #fitnessracing #meath #

Timetable Jan & Feb 2020

Starting 6/1/2020

6 Week Weight Loss Bootcamp 

-Free MyZone Heart Rate Belt (Worth €120)

-3 Classes Per Week
(Mon, Wed & Fri @ 8pm)

-Whats App Support

-Gym Membership for the 6 weeks

-Results Guaranteed

-Starting 20th Jan 2020

- €150

-Pre-Booking Essential

Christmas Schedule

Black Friday & Cyber Monday 

3 months - €80 normally €120

12 months - €200 normally €299

Buy Now

6 Week Weight Loss Challenge (Get Ready For Christmas)



6 Week Weight Loss Challenge (Get Ready For Christmas)

-Free MyZone Heart Rate Belt (Worth €120)

-3 Classes Per Week
(Mon, Wed & Fri @ 8pm)

-Whats App Support

-Gym Membership for the 6 weeks

-Results Guaranteed

-Starting Monday 4th November

- €175

-Pre-Booking Essential

Call 046-9271122 to book over the phone / Call in / Book online (please note extra charge with paypal).

5 Week Weight Loss Challenge

-Free MyZone Heart Rate Belt (Worth €120)

-3 Classes Per Week
(Mon, Wed & Fri @ 8pm)

-Whats App Support

-Gym Membership for the 5 weeks

-Results Guaranteed

- €150

-Pre-Booking Essential

To Book
Call 046-9271122 to book over the phone / Call in / Book online (please note extra charge due to paypal)

August Bank Holiday

Bank holiday Timetable

Saturday 09:00 - 14:00
10.00 Fit Kids
11.00 Weekend Warrior

Sunday 10.00 - 14:00 
11.00 Weekend Warrior

Bank Holiday Monday 10.00 - 14:00 
11.00 Weekend Warrior

Royal County Run 2019

DescriptionRoyal County 5K / 10K
Date & TimeMonday 6 May 2019 10:30
Race TimingMyRunResults
Event DescriptionOn Bank Holiday Monday 6th May, the town of Kells will welcome runners, joggers and walkers for the 9th Royal County Run/walk. This year sees the return of the 5km and 10km event. Both will start and finish on Cannon Street.

*Please note, under 16’s are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult (over 18yrs) at all times and remain their responsibility. Entry fee is the same for all ages. 

*This is a leisure event, run on open roads. Please note that some road conditions will not be ideal for running, you are advised to take due care for your own safety and safety of those in your care.

*Buggies and strollers are permitted but participation is at own risk. These participants must assemble at the rear and give way to runners at all times. Dogs are not permitted.

*Entry fee includes free technical t-shirt. However, t-shirts are limited on the day and are on a first come, first served basis at sign in.

Paddys Weekend Hours

Friday 6am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm
Sunday & Monday 10am - 2pm

Special Olympics Annual Collection Day 5TH APRIL 2019


Join us here at club Active Kells for a Fitness Class in Aid of Special Olympics Ireland.

When : 5th April @ 9.30 & 19.15

Price : €10 

Free Tea & Coffee & Healthy Snacks After :)

NUTRAMINO Health & Fitness Awards 2019


Club Active Kells has been nominated for Leisure Gym / Health Club of the Year 2019

When is the best time to join the GYM ?

The answer is NOW!

Memberships includes

  • Gym Induction
  • Fitness Testing
  • Gym Programme
  • Unlimited Classes

Join Now & Get in the Best Shape of Your Life


Not Sure Club Active Kells is for you 

Call 046-9271122 For Your Free Trial

10 Reasons to join the GYM

1. It's good for your health

We're stating the obvious with this one but did you know that being active daily reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes? 

2. It's good for your mind

When you exercise, endorphins are released which can calm anxiety and lift your mood.

3. It's a great stress buster

Had a busy day? There is nothing more rewarding then running further or lifting heavier than you have before. Plus, the fitter you get, the better your body is at regulating cortisol levels (the hormone linked to stress).

4. Access to equipment

Being a member of a gym means you have access to tons of equipment, allowing you to keep your routine fresh and exciting.

5. Access to knowledge

If you're a workout newbie, a gym membership can give you the tools and knowledge to start out. Learn the ropes by booking on the induction programme, attending classes or even get a Personal Trainer

6. It keeps you motivated

Going to the gym and being surrounded by motivated people can encourage you to stay on track. Plus, having somewhere to go sounds more appealing then working out in the park or in your living room.

7. You get an all-weather workout

Ever binned off a run because it was raining? Ditched the outdoor bootcamp because it was dark? The gym offers a great place to work out whatever the weather and time of year, so no excuses!

8. Meet like-minded people

Joining a gym can be quite social. If you're a regular at classes, then you begin to get to know people and before you know it you're lifelong friends.

9. It will improve your sleep

Studies show that people who exercise 5 to 6 times a week are more likely to get a good night's kip.

10. You can have somewhere to escape

Generally, people join a gym to workout but they are actually a great place to unwind & escape the stresses & worries of day to day life.

March Gym Challenge

Most MEPS in the month of March using MyZone Belt.

Winner gets €100 cash

March & April Time Table 2019

Metafit Resolutions 2019

4 Week Transformation

Orla's Story

People think it's daunting and intimidating to join a gym... a year ago I joined Club Active in Kells for personal training after been asked to be bridesmaid. I was at my heaviest, unfit and suffering with blood pressure. At the time I didn't realise I also hadn't dealt properly with my broken heart from grief which resulted in me gaining a lot of weight. Going through the doors I was greeted by two happy heads Paul and Bryan, who became my main trainers. Paul took me for my first PT session upstairs... within half an hour I was lying on the floor not feeling good... that was how unfit I was (me not half dramatic lol). I went on that week to do another 2 sessions barely able to walk. The following week a gentleman asked me how I was... to which I did my usual and talked about everyone else until he asked me directly again... I dunno how long I sat in the car crying that morning, I went home and let it all out how broken hearted I was. I was always looking out and after everyone else but myself. So many people have said to me that they're not in the right head space to join the gym... it's actually the perfect time to go. I'm lucky I don't suffer with depression or anxiety but I was suffering from grief and working out it works wonders. My first 6 week block I lost over a stone and my friend lost 2 stone... we continued on with personal training. Over the year every single Personal Training session was different from Paul pulling out the deck of cards, to working out up at the Spire, to Bryan having us feet swinging out of the TRXs and me thinking this lad has been watching too much of 50 shades of grey. 😂 Killer Kelly KK made me do things I didn't want to do including burpees, Garys workouts did wonders for my hair .. my straight hair always ended up Curly Sue from sweating and treble X Caolan put me through my paces. And in the mist of all that I had one bad day where I went to the gym after been very upset by something that was said to me earlier that day. I dried up my eyes and was no longer red eyed, so I thought no one will know... within minutes Paul spotted it. Instead of letting on he didn't notice my face was a ball of puff, he said it to me. I went on and pumped it out that night with Paul, leaving the gym feeling good and realising I shouldn't be giving head space to things that shouldn't be said to anyone. That for me is a good personal trainer and also showed how comfortable it is to be in Club Active. I went on to lose 36lb through the year despite been the worst person when it came to diet and been a chocoholic who was out most weekends socialising and in Eddie Rockets 🙈 but it worked for me. (For people more serious you'll lose weight must quicker as the lads have a full nutrition plan). If a year ago I was told I would be fitter, healthier, 36lb down, toned, fit enough to do the Muck of Kells and awarded gym member of the year I would have laughed. Let 2019 be your year... do something for you, that makes you happy whatever it might be. And if it's to lose weight or get fit I 100% recommend Club Active Kells to get results. I know if I had joined another gym I wouldn't have stuck to it... I don't see the lads as PTs anymore... they're friends 😘💪

Metafit Resolutions 2019

Start your 2019 off right & make those resolutions happen  :)

Am - Mon, Wed & Fri @ 09.30
Pm - Mon, Thurs & Fri @ 19.15 & Wed @ 18.30

Members 20 euro
Non Members 60 euro

Whats App Support
Fun Friendly Envoirment
Prizes to be Won

MetaFit or HIIT is exercise that combines bodyweight training with bursts of high intensity cardio to boost your metabolism and rapidly burn fat.

Call in to secure your place.

Christmas Opening Hours 



Happy Christmas From all the Staff

May Madness

Published on 3rd May 2018 at 13:12 by Admin

Join now for 12 months €225 & get 3 Personal Training Sessions Free (worth €120)

Get All Girls Active the December 5th

We're going #gaga (get all girls active) this Wednesday 5th of December

Free Gym / Classes all day for all Girls, Call in and get active


Club Active Health & Wellness Day 2018


17th November 2018

Start your morning off with a light workout here in the gym
Bus to Cuilcagh Way for beautiful walk & exceptional scenery
Bus to the 4 star Slieve Russell Hotel
Where a 2 course healthy lunch will be served
Followed by a mindful walk in the grounds of the 4 star Slieve Russell Hotel
Relaxation & Restorative Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation before returning to Kells

8am to 6pm

Members €80
Non Members €100

You will need
Workout Clothes for Workout in the am
Packed Lunch for Bus / Cuilcagh Walk
Appropriate Clothing for Cuilcagh Walk (it is November, Warm Clothing layer up & Water Proofs)
Change of Clothing for after walk - Lunch / Yoga

Max 33 places available



October Metafit Weight Loss Challenge

Metafit October 2018

Have you signed up yet ?

4 Weeks

Kick start your weight loss.

Am Class 9:30 Monday Wednesday & Friday 
Pm Class 7.15pm Monday Thursday & Friday

Members €20 Non Members €50

Fear Of The Gym ????

Get over your fear of the gym

Is this you ?

- I'm too unfit to use the gym
- Every one will be looking at me
- I dunno what to do
- I don't belong in the gym 
- Its too busy

Then this is for you
- Have Fun, Get Fit, Lose Weight & Gain Confidence 
- Train in a small group of like minded people, when the gym is closed (no more than 6)
- Monday Wednesday Thursday @ 9pm 
- 4 Weeks
- €150

Next 4 week block starting Monday 1st of October

Ring & Talk to Bryan today

Timetable October 2018

May Madness

Published on 3rd May 2018 at 13:12 by Admin

Join now for 12 months €225 & get 3 Personal Training Sessions Free (worth €120)

Member Appreciation BBQ

Saturday 1st of September

8.30pm in the West Way 


Bryan & Paul would like to invite to to our annual BBQ as a show of appreciation for your business this year.


Please give your name at reception if you wish to attend. Why don't you bring along a friend or loved one. 


Metafit Weight Lose Challenge is Back 

Starting Monday 3rd of September

-3 classes to chosse from 7am, 9.30am & 6.30pm

-4 weeks

-Nutrition Plan

-Whats App Group for support & banter

-Fitness Challanges on non class days

-Prizes to be won


Members €20

Non Members €50

May Madness

Published on 3rd May 2018 at 13:12 by Admin

Join now for 12 months €225 & get 3 Personal Training Sessions Free (worth €120)

Climb, Run, Lift, Move

Fit Kids is a functional fitness based program for kids aged 5-12 years old.

Our goal at Club Active "Fit Kidz" is to educate children and teens about functional fitness and inspire them to pursue it. We believe these will be the foundational experiences our children require to embark on lifelong journeys of wellness that will enable them to effectively perform simple yet necessary tasks well into their adult years.

Our dream is to foster a generation of healthy, fit individuals who require limited assistance and enjoy freedom of movement and activity throughout their lifespan. To that end, we design each of our workouts with the varied modalities that will increase fitness levels across a broad spectrum of performance and health considerations.

Always functional, never boring, Fit Kids resolves the issues of our sedentary, noxious lifestyles. Working the body according to the way it was designed, we are training a generation to take responsibility for their health via the path of least resistance.

Members Child - €50

Non Members Child - €75


Week 1 - 16/7/18

Week 2 - 23/7/18

Week 3 - 13/8/18


Monday to Friday 09.30 - 12.30

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